Throughout the year, students are provided with multiple service opportunities, such as Make-a-Difference Day, Relay for Life, blood drives, school concession stands, Hospice Run, and offering assisstance at the request of community members. We believe service experiences help students achieve feelings of pride, satisfaction, and achievement, which we hope will encourage them to continue to help others even after their years at Marquette. Service is highly promoted through Theology classes - some of the community service requirements for the 7th through 12th graders are listed below.
Click here for Senior Independent Service Project Guidelines
Marquette Catholic 6-12
Service Hours Guidelines
Hours Required Per Semester
6th - 8th grade: 10 hours (50 pts of final semester grade)
9th - 10th grade: 12 hours (60 pts of final semester grade)
11th grade: 15 hours (75 pts of final semester grade)
12th grade: 6 hours + senior service project (30 pts of final semester grade, service project is separate grade)
Summer Service Hours
A maximum of 4 summer service hours may count towards your total number of hours for the first semester.
Service hour slips are found in Ms. Timmerman’s room. You will turn in completed service hour slips in the appropriate basket, found next to the blank slips basket.
An adult supervisor must sign your service slip. This should be the adult that you lined up your service with (Fr. Gross or other parish employees, a teacher, or community member) This adult should rarely, if ever, be your parent.
If you are ever unsure of how many service hours you have completed for the semester, always feel free to talk to or email Ms. Timmerman
What does not count as service hours:
Great ideas of things to count for service hours: