The Our Faith, Our Children, Our Future School Tuition Organization (STO), and Marquette Catholic School are pleased to once again provide tuition assistance to qualifying families. This program, supported by more than 1,000 donors, provides expanded opportunities to help qualifying families afford the Catholic School of their choice. Tuition assistance through the STO is available to Iowa residents. STO funds are only available for K-12th grade students. Early childhood or preschool fees/tuition are not eligible. More information about the STO application process can be found at
The STO program will be utilizing FACTS Management to assist in determining the level of assistance to be awarded. FACTS Management has an application that all families need to complete to be considered for assistance. Your personal information will be held in the strictest confidence at all times. If you have a child at more than one Archdiocesan School, you will only need to complete one application form. If you have previously applied for STO in the past two years, you should use the same login and password. If divorced parents each pay a portion of the tuition bill, then each household needs to complete an application for a possible award towards their portion of tuition. There is a $36.00 non-refundable processing fee for the online application payable to FACTS.
The FACTS application needs to be completed no later than May 3rd, 2024. The application is available online at in both English and Spanish. In addition to your completed application, you must include a copy of your federal 2023 tax return. See the link below (STO - FAQ's) from FACTS for specific requirements. Tax and wage documents must be scanned or faxed by April 15th. We urge you to complete the materials early to allow time for notification of any missing/incomplete materials.
To assist you in completing the application, the FACTS call center is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30am-7:00pm and Fridays from 7:30am -5:00pm at 1-866-315-9262. The FACTS online application also has a chat feature to assist parents available Monday-Friday from 8:00 am-5:00 pm. Also linked below is some information for your review as these answer many of the frequently asked questions.
At Marquette Catholic School, we are happy to assist you with the application process. If you do not have Internet access or need assistance in completing this application, please call Randy Koos at 563-872-3356. If the processing fee is cost prohibitive for your family, please contact Randy.
Individuals that complete the STO application before May 3rd, 2024 and do not receive an STO award will automatically receive Marquette Tuition Organization assistance (MTO) of $250 per child. For this reason, it is financially advantageous to complete the STO application even if you do not anticipate a reward and even though there is a processing fee. Please know that current families that do not complete the STO application before May 3, 2024, will not be eligible for MTO during the 2024-2025 school year.
Award notification letters will be sent during the week of May 20th, 2024. A summary timeline with specific information concerning the application deadline is found below.
We strongly encourage interested parents to complete an application. If you have questions about the assistance program, contact the school at 563-872-3356 or Randy Koos at randykoos@marquettecatholic.
Mr. Geoffrey Kaiser
Summary Timeline
January 1 Applications available on-line at
April 15 Completed applications must be submitted with all required 2023 federal
tax returns and other required materials scanned or faxed by this date.
Applications with missing information cannot be processed.
May 15 Award notification letters sent to all families who applied.
*Note applications that are incomplete on April 15th or new applications after that date will be considered for round #2. Amounts of any available later awards can be considerably smaller.
New STO Qualifying Levels for 23-24
Family Pay Application Process - Get to Know STO Video
Tuition Assistance Application Process Handout
STO – FAQ’s!